Waters Corporation Showcases New Products at Pittcon 2008

7 Feb 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

Waters announces new products to be showcased at Pittcon 2008, Booth 2639. Highlights include the SYNAPT™ MS and UPLC® systems along with pharmaceutical and environmental solutions.

SYNAPT™ MS – Streamline your discovery and development capabilities with the next generation hybrid quadrupole oa-Tof spectrometry platform. Future proof your laboratory with the freedom to upgrade to innovative SYNAPT High Definition MS™ capabilities when your lab is ready.

Pharmaceutical Development Solutions – Develop information-rich, reliable analytical methods that allow you to make confident decisions at any step in your development process.

UPLC® Technology for Open Access& High Throughput – Walk up. Log-in. Put your sample in the autosampler carousel. Go back to your desk and look at the results. It’s that simple.

AutoPurification™ System – Isolate and purify microgram to multigram quantities of your compounds of interest. Operate your lab with a level of confidence and productivity that multi-vendor systems can’t match.

XBridge™ HILIC Columns – Improve retention, efficiency, and sensitivity for the analysis of very polar basic compounds while realizing dramatic improvements in column longevity and method robustness in challenging HILIC separations.

ACQUITY UPLC® HSS C18 Columns – Combine C18 silica selectivities, peak shape, reproducibility and stability under acidic conditions with the ultra-efficiency and ruggedness of the 1.8 µm High Strength Silica (HSS) UPLC particle for fast, robust small molecule UPLC separations.

ACQUITY UPLC HSS C18 SB Columns – A unique, unendcapped C18 column chemistry designed to offer alternate Selectivity for Bases (SB) under low pH conditions. Created and optimized specifically for UPLC method developers who demand selectivities other than those offered by most modern fully endcapped C18 columns.

UltraPerformance® Food Safety System – Combines LC/MS/MS instrumentation, column chemistries, data analysis and information management software, plus application methods into one solution for the analysis of a broad range of chemical compounds.

GC/MS – Environmental Solutions – Identify and quantify trace compounds from complex mixtures or complement data from your existing LC/MS systems. GC/MS systems deliver the sensitivity, specificity, and compound confirmation needed for complex sample analysis.

Remote Support and Diagnostics — Increase laboratory productivity with Connections INSIGHT® intelligent services. LIVE in-booth demo at the Global Services station, 11 AM and 3 PM daily.

Visit Waters Booth 2639 to see these exciting product introductions, including UPLC powering completely new capabilities in process monitoring and a software solution that changes the way you manage laboratory workflow.

