Waters Displays Latest Technologies in Separations Science at HPLC 2014

30 Apr 2014
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

Join Waters at the 41st International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques as the world's leading authorities address issues and challenges related to all aspects of liquid phase separation science techniques.

Visit the Waters booth (#402) to see its latest technologies in separations science.

Click on the company website link and register to attend Waters' FREE technical vendor seminar:

Date: Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Time: 12:20-1:20 pm
Location: Oak Alley, 3rd floor, New Orleans Hilton Riverside

Ways to Improve Productivity and Efficiency with Innovative New Solutions from Waters
Michelle Teuscher, Marketing Manager, Consumables Business
Elizabeth Hodgdon, Senior Product Manager

Separation scientists continue to search for new ways to improve efficiency in the pursuit for higher resolution, greater throughput, and increased sensitivity in their chromatographic analyses. Throughout our 50+ year history, Waters has been dedicated to helping scientists achieve their goals by producing innovative columns, consumables, instrumentation, detection, and informatics products designed to solve the most difficult analytical problems. In this presentation we will present our newest LC column products and the benefits they bring your laboratory. We will also introduce a new, highly-efficient method development strategy that fits the way analysts work, even when stringent compliance standards must be met.

