White PCR Products

27 May 2011
bridget bridget
Laboratory Director

BRAND has expanded its product range of extra-thin-wall disposable products with a line of white PCR products (strips of 8 and plates with 24, 48, 96 or 384 wells). The products perfectly meet the requirements of the quantitative Real Time PCR (qPCR). The white PCR strips and plates offer significantly better results in the analysis of fluorescence signals and consequently with the quantification of the DNA formed.

• Plates are perfectly suited for use in Roche® LightCycler® 480.
• Uniformly colored with titanium dioxide (TiO2)
• Smooth surfaces to optimize reflection of the fluorescence signal
• Suitable for use in common thermal cyclers
• Extra-thin walls to provide the optimal thermal transfer and short cycle times
• Manufactured under the most modern clean room conditions
• DNase-, DNA- and RNase-free
• 96-well low profile-plates also available with self-adhesive sealing film

