Whitehouse Scientific launches new extended range of sieve standards

10 May 2006
Kerry Parker

Building on the continuing success of the company’s glass microsphere sieve calibration standards, Whitehouse Scientific has now extended the range and resolution of the series.

The aperture size of every sieve manufactured from 20 to 3350 microns can now be certified to NIST traceability. This extends the range’s capabilities from the 30 'primary' sieves that originally could be calibrated to include a further 30 intermediate sizes.

This new development is important not only in precision particle size analysis, but also for accurate separation processes. It is now possible, for example, to accurately distinguish between a 100 and a 106 micron sieve.

The Whitehouse sieve calibration standards are available in single shot bottles, minimising the possibility of sampling errors by the operator. They can be used for sieve diameters from 40 – 450 mm diameter. Visit www.whitehousescientific.com for more information.

