Whitehouse Scientific Sieve Aperture Size Calculator Now on Flash Drive

3 Jul 2013
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

Whitehouse Scientific’s Sieve Aperture Size Calculator, for use with the company’s NIST-traceable sieve calibration standards, is now provided in a convenient flash drive format and is free of charge to purchasers of sieve standards. With standards available in a variety of different sizes, Whitehouse Scientific’s unique microsphere method of sieve calibration enables sieve users to quickly and easily calibrate on-site rather than having to send sieves away for third party analysis.

Now topping more than 1000 views, a two-minute sieve calibration video on the Whitehouse Scientific website is proving to be a popular learning tool taking viewers through each step of the procedure.

Calibration using the Whitehouse Scientific method uses microsphere standards supplied in single shot bottles. Standards are available in sizes from 20 µm to 3.5 mm, enabling users to select the size range appropriate to their sieve. The calibration method involves measuring the weight of standards of a given size passing through the sieve. The percentage passing through is then referenced to the calibration curve supplied or entered into the Sieve Aperture Size Calculator to give the mean aperture size. Results have accuracy and repeatability better than 1 µm and are traceable to both NIST and NPL. Calibration time is typically around one minute and results are independent of the shaking method used.

