News & Articles
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Bosch Packaging Technology Introduces New Remote Service Portal
Safe data connection for fast service
Markes International Launches Analytical Chemistry Awareness Campaign
Markes International Launches Analytical Chemistry Awareness Campaign
Agilent Technologies Introduces New Autosampler for 1290 Infinity II LC System
Module shortens injection cycles, enlarges sample capacity, lowers carryover
How to Make a Beer Come True
Waters Introduces the New ACQUITY Arc System, Designed as a Bridge between HPLC and UPLC Methods
Single LC Platform Leads the Way to Enhanced Productivity by Replicating, Improving or Adjusting Established LC Methods
Highlights from ASMS 2015
SelectScience attended this year's ASMS show to bring you the latest new and advances in mass spectrometry
SCIEX Announces Game Changing LC-MS/MS Customer Solutions at ASMS Conference
SCIEX continues to collaborate and innovate to place the future of research in their customers’ hands
Genome-wide DNA Analysis of Honey Bees to Fight Bee Losses
Eurofins Genomics and the Institute for Bee Research Hohen Neuendorf e.V. join forces, supported by funds of the program “Research for Innovation in Agriculture”
New-Generation System Redefines Performance for GC-MS Applications
First to combine gas chromatography and high-resolution accurate-mass (HRAM) Orbitrap mass spectrometry for most comprehensive characterization in a single analysis