News & Articles
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Science Industry Celebrates Successful First Year of ‘Invaluable’ Seals of Quality
Waters, BioTek Instruments, PerkinElmer, Hamilton among the latest companies recognized for top-rated lab products that scientists worldwide love to use
Fully Automated Solvent Removal from Tubes & Microplates
Porvair Sciences new UltraVap Mistral XT 100 allows for the first time, automated dry down of organic solvent-based samples in tubes up to 100mm in length
Could This Multi-Channel pH Meter Give Your Lab its Best Results Ever?
Discover expert insights into cutting-edge benchtop readers promising flexibility, efficiency and ease of use – to give you peace of mind and reliable results
Win with Miele Professional at Lab Innovations 2018
3 Simple Steps to Reduce The Environmental Impact of Your Lab
Tips on improving the sustainability of your scientific research – a STARLAB case study
Solved - Precision Powder Weighing in Filtered Fume Hoods
Attend our free webinar on Tuesday, October 31, 2018 and discover the fastest ‘weigh’ to accurate and precision weighing success
Lab Innovations 2018 – The Home of New Laboratory Product Launches
Over a third of exhibitors to introduce new laboratory innovations, services and solutions
High-Pressure Dosing Pumps from KNAUER Play Important Role in Manufacturing Methanesulfonic Acid
KNAUER’s high-pressure dosing pumps, based on HPLC technology with pump head heating, produce methanesulfonic acid
Waving Goodbye to Water Safety Concerns with Advanced Water Analysis - Special Feature
Discover the techniques making waves in water analysis, from LC-MS to solid phase extraction
Peak Scientific Gas Generators Go Mobile in Canada with Molecular Science Corporation
Nitrogen gas generator installed in mobile laboratory for cannabis testing
Precision Temperature Control Instrument Promises to Improve Accuracy of Experiments
AirJet XR Sample Cooler offers increased temperature stability for NMR, EPR & XRD studies
Benchtop Tray Freeze Dryer Increases Convenience through Online Monitoring
The AdVantage Pro freeze dryer from SP Scientific now offers users the benefit of ethernet communication
Revolutionary 24/7 High-Throughput Sulfur and Nitrogen Analyzer
Analytik Jena introduces new sulfur and nitrogen analyzer for the petrochemical industry that promises to save time and money
8 Ways Your Pipette Tips Might be Holding You Back
Your pipette tips really can damage your experimental results – but the good news is that with expert insight and the right technologies, all these challenges can be overcome
Asynt Introduce New DrySyn Heating Block Systems
Reflecting customer demand, Asynt have continued to expand their range of DrySyn heating block systems for reactions in tubes, vials and flasks
New Masterflex L/S Variable-Speed Console Drives for Use in All Labs
Cole-Parmer reveals new compact and cost effective drives for general fluid transfer applications