BINDER with a New 720 L Heating Chamber on the Market
BINDER's heating chambers have a chic design and increased capacity
BINDER's heating chambers have a chic design and increased capacity
Customised laboratory solutions made to your specifications
Calling all scientists: Which new product, instrument or consumable made the most difference to your laboratory?
Fermentation broth case study shows how Eppendorf has risen to the challenges faced by bioprocessing laboratories
Discover how to elucidate hidden weak protein complexes critical to your research with the EXTRACTMAN from Gilson
Huber presents a new budget-friendly and economically chiller range
Read on to discover facts about your lab’s treasure trove – the -80⁰C freezer
Lightweight, fast and highly-stable, PI’s new line of miniature precision positioning stages are easy to control and integrate into industry and research applications
AMSBIO release a new medium for cryopreservation
FRITSCH Cutting Mill PULVERISETTE 19 with Cyclone efficiently comminute large volumes of cannabis
Find essential information on when and how to replace your clinical centrifuge
Choosing Your Laminar Flow Hood Doesn't Have to be Confusing
Versatile evaporator available in different optimized configurations
Safe, accurate, reproducible and validatable sterilization with Systec
Laboratory enclosure and fume extraction manufacturer is presented award by Lord-Lieutenant of Hampshire
Scientists share their thoughts on essential day-to-day lab equipment