New Thawing Technology Advances Delivery of Cell Therapies
GE Healthcare’s VIA Thaw CB1000 offers automated, dry thawing of cryo-bags to address key cell therapy challenges
GE Healthcare’s VIA Thaw CB1000 offers automated, dry thawing of cryo-bags to address key cell therapy challenges
New OXYSTATION 20LC and OXYSTATION 40LC Instruments now available
Program is 'invaluable' for scientists needing to make informed purchasing decisions for their lab
Grenova's offline tip washing solutions allow you to maximize your production throughput while increasing your profitability.
5 Essential Things You Need to Know About Gas Generators
Find out how these new dispensers can optimize your bench work
Learn what makes a pipette ergonomic in this insightful article from VistaLab Technologies
Portuguese Metrology Institute used Artel’s PCS Pipette Calibration System to report CMC for smallest liquid volume measurement on record
Collaborations result in development of Corning Valor™ Glass and drive significant U.S. investment and job creation
Beyond the laboratory with ductless enclosures…
Your questions answered on using ultrapure water for analytical experiments and how to avoid the effects of contaminants