Product NewsPike Technologies Introduce New X, Y Autosampler/Microplate Reader for FTIR Spectrometers
Product NewsElliot Scientific Introduces New Spatial Light Modulators from HOLOEYE to the UK and Ireland
Product NewsIridian Spectral Technologies Introduce High Performance Dichroic Mirrors for Raman Spectroscopy
Product NewsThe CAMSIZER from Retsch Technology Facilitates Catalyst Development at Shell Global Solutions
Product NewsRenishaw to Launch Powerful WiRE 4™ Software for inViva Raman Microscope Users at Pittcon 2013
Product NewsBruker Introduces New Value Standard with Scalable Microscope for Combined Optical Surface Metrology and Imaging
Product NewsNanoSight Announces the Launch of the NS300, Providing a Platform for Enhanced Fluorescence Applications
Product NewsHamamatsu Introduces the New ImagEM X2 EM-CCD Camera with Fast 70 Frames per Second Readout
Product NewsJPK Reports on the Applied Research of Ioan Notingher at the University of Nottingham using AFM and the Tip Assisted Optics Module to Study Individual Nanotubes and Fibrils
Product NewsAnalytik Reports the Use of a Schmidt + Haensch Polarimeter for the Characterization of Chiral Molecules