Ellutia Chromatography Solutions Launches 500 Series at Pittcon 2017
First instrument able to perform conventional, fast and ultra fast gas chromatography
First instrument able to perform conventional, fast and ultra fast gas chromatography
Discover how LGC is overcoming the challenges of analyzing peptides with LC-MS
Learn how the Bioanalysis Department at LGC is implementing LC-MS to improve services
SelectScience interviews Senior Researcher, Katrin Löschner, on her recent research into lead nanoparticles
In a poster presentation from AOAC, discover a simple and accurate method for carbohydrate determination in Kombucha
In a poster presentation from AOAC, learn how to obtain qualitative and quantitative pesticide analysis results in two simple workflows
Calling all scientists: Which new product, instrument or consumable made the most difference to your laboratory?
Discover tips and tricks to optimize quantification of aggregates in biotherapeutic samples
Don’t miss our exclusive video presentations and interviews filmed at the EPRW 2016
Stuart Adams, Fera Science Limited UK, discusses the use of IC to analyze polar pesticides at NACRW 2016.
In this poster presentation from EPRW, learn how scientists at LASPB are enhancing pesticide screening capabilities using the Thermo Scientific™ Q Exactive™ GC Orbitrap™ GC-MS/MS system
From a poster presentation at AOAC, find out how ion chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry can be used for metabolomic profiling of food diet samples
Discover a novel approach to unknown pesticide determination, using the Thermo Scientific™ Q Exactive™ Hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap™ Mass Spectrometer, in this poster presentation from EPRW
Discover the innovations which have led to an improved method of sugar analysis
Find all of the information you need on volatile organic compound analysis at Thermo Fisher Scientific
In this poster presentation from AOAC, discover how IC-MS can offer an effective solution to longstanding problematic contaminant analysis
Find out what the experts really think
Find application notes, brochures and workflows on semi-volatile organic compound testing
The first lucky winners of our massive festive giveaway have been revealed.