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New Treatment Has Potential to Minimize Damage After Heart Attack
The drug works by targeting the protein responsible for the death of heart cells during an attack
This Novel, Non-Amyloid Approach to Alzheimer’s Therapy Could Vastly Improve Outcomes
Immunology-focused pharma company INmune Bio is set to start first-in-man clinical trials with a promising anti-TNF compound that could revolutionize the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and related symptoms
Oxford University Scientists Catch Heartbeat ‘Molecular Switch’ in Action
Calcium flow tracked in heart muscle fibres in real time
New Partnership Extends Reach of Hematopoietic Primary Cells Portfolio
Lonza and AllCells team up to offer an extensive range of hematopoietic primary cells to reach the global scientific community
Metal Chemotherapy Drugs Boost the Impact of Immunotherapy in Cancer
New research suggests that metal-based chemotherapies eliminate inhibitory components of the immune system
Novel Diagnostic Test Validated as Predictor for Response After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy (NACT) in Patients with Early Breast Cancer
New results suggest the MammaTyper test could predict the likelihood of complete pathologic remission
Unlocking the Complexities of Cancer Biology with BOND RX and Ultivue.
Five color, high-performance immunohistochemistry multiplexing solution to advance biomarker studies
Deep Learning Technology Used to Help Create AI-Based Pathology Diagnostic Tool
Olympus AI algorithm could improve clinical pathology classifications
A Spotlight on 8 Technologies Advancing Cancer Diagnostics and Therapeutic Monitoring
From 3D tissue profiling to intelligent surgical tools, discover some of the latest innovations set to revolutionize diagnostics in cancer
Hiding in Plain Sight: How to Break Through the Tumor Microenvironment Forcefield
Quantifying and targeting MDSCs, the ‘queen bee of the TME’, could overcome resistance to immunotherapy, Dr. R. J. Tesi tells SelectScience
Chemical Sensor Could Help Doctors Select Effective Cancer Therapy
Hydrogen peroxide-sensing molecule reveals whether chemotherapy drugs are having their intended effects
New Cause of Chronic Stress Identified in The Brain
Researchers identify activation of long-term stress by cerebral spinal fluid
Karolinska Institutet Participates in Immunovia’s PanFAM-1 Multicenter Clinical Study
Study aims for early detection of pancreatic cancer using blood-based IMMray PanCan-d test
Siemens Healthineers Introduces Innovative Heart Attack Diagnosis Test
The Siemens Healthineers High-Sensitivity Troponin I assays can detect lower levels of troponin compared to conventional assays
Winners of the 2018 Scientists’ Choice Awards for Clinical Lab Science Announced at AACC
A celebration of the clinical laboratory products that have made the most difference to your lab work, plus we reveal our most popular clinical interviews of the past year
Using Light to Heal Ulcers
Researchers from University of Manchester and Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust have developed an instrument which could treat chronic ulcers with light
Follow the SelectScience Coverage of AACC 2018 and Visit Booth 3600 for Fantastic Prizes
SelectScience will be attending the AACC Annual Meeting in Chicago, USA, to interview leading scientists and report on the latest technologies
Combating the World’s Deadliest Viruses – Harnessing Virus-like Particles as Vaccines
Learn how a lab in the US is using cell culture methods to enhance the effectiveness of virus-like particles (VLPs) as novel vaccines against filoviruses
2018 Eppendorf Award for Young European Investigators Presented to Andrea Ablasser
This year’s research prize awarded by Eppendorf AG goes to Switzerland
First US Implementation of Tumor Board Software that Improves Treatment Decision Process for Cancer Patients
University of Missouri School of Medicine pilots Roche’s cloud-based NAVIFY Tumor Board solution to streamline & standardize data collection and presentation, enabling faster, better collaboration among oncology care teams