Simultaneously Evaluating T-Cell Activation, Profiling Cytokines and Identifying T-Cell Subsets

31 Oct 2018
Frankie MacDonald
Administrator / Office Personnel
Download the poster to learn about an all-in-one assay for T-cell monitoring with multiplex immunophentyping

POSTER DOWNLOAD: Evaluating T-Cell activation by multiplexing immunophenotyping and cytokine profiling

Recent advances in our ability to modulate T-cell activity for therapeutic benefit, has created a need for improved monitoring of immune cell function and activation. Currently used methods to analyze T-cell activation (TCA) involve evaluating cell types and functions with a multitude of assays, all of which are costly, time consuming and complex.

Furthermore, running these assays separately creates challenges with respect to correlating data outputs. Download this scientific poster to learn how these challenges can be overcome by simultaneously evaluating cell phenotype, T cell activation markers, cell proliferation, cell viability and secreted cytokines in a single well, using a miniaturized assay format.

Download Now

