CCS Cell Culture Service GmbH

The use of cell based assays for drug screening bears the challenge of scale-up and in-time cell production. As a flexible external cell culture unit CCS supplies starting material for HTS assays and makes your screening faster and more efficient. The outsourcing of time consuming, preparatory work allows you to bring more screening projects to the starting block at the same time and helps you to reduce time to success by profiting from CCS??comprehensive experience with different target groups. Major pharmaceutical companies all over Europe and the USA already benefit from the support of CCS.

CCS offers the custom generation of recombinant cell lines expressing the target of your interest and develops reliable and significant assays. For screening, custom membrane preparations, recombinant proteins, and Frozen Instant Cells in vials or in plates are provided. Frozen cells which can be instantly used in cell based assays are a valid alternative to cells from a growing culture.

Frozen Instant Cells

Frozen Instant Cells from CCS Cell Culture Service - The Right Amount of Cells, Right in TimeFor secondary screenings where often a limited number of compounds have to be tested, CCS proprietary PRINC...


Ion Channel Cell Lines

Ion Channel Cell Lines - Validated in Performance, Accuracy and Quality In cooperation with Cytocentrics AG CCS has developed a set of recombinant cell lines stably expressing ion channels of high ph...


GPCR Cell Lines

GPCR Cell Lines - Validated Cell Lines for High-Throughput-Screening In cooperation with Cisbio Bioassays CCS has developed a set of recombinant cell lines stably expressing G-Protein coupled recptor...


The use of cell based assays for drug screening bears the challenge of scale-up and in-time cell production. As a flexible external cell culture unit CCS supplies starting material for HTS assays and makes your screening faster and more efficient. The outsourcing of time consuming, preparatory work allows you to bring more screening projects to the starting block at the same time and helps you to reduce time to success by profiting from CCS??comprehensive experience with different target groups. Major pharmaceutical companies all over Europe and the USA already benefit from the support of CCS.

CCS offers the custom generation of recombinant cell lines expressing the target of your interest and develops reliable and significant assays. For screening, custom membrane preparations, recombinant proteins, and Frozen Instant Cells in vials or in plates are provided. Frozen cells which can be instantly used in cell based assays are a valid alternative to cells from a growing culture.

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