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Genomic Vision

GENOMIC VISION develops novel diagnostic and drug discovery solutions based on its world-leading nanotechnology for DNA analysis in the areas of cancer and acute diseases. These diagnostic tests and drug discovery tools operate where genome dynamics and human disease intersect. GENOMIC VISION uses a powerful technique, Molecular Combing Technology, for the direct visualization of single DNA molecules to detect quantitative and qualitative changes in the genome landscape and establish their contribution to pathology.

GENOMIC VISION initial focus is towards early cancer detection and drug therapy monitoring. The company possesses an unrivalled capability for discovering genomic biomarkers implicated in the predisposition and development of many forms of cancer and in following and analyzing DNA replication during cell division. This provides a unique approach for evaluating the efficacy of new drugs on the cell cycle.

GENOMIC VISION’s Molecular Combing Technology was co-invented by the company’s CEO, Aaron Bensimon. GENOMIC VISION holds an exclusive license for the technology from the Pasteur Institute. Molecular Combing Technology provides a detailed analysis of genomic events at the level of single DNA molecules, or even single cell level. This analysis reveals important properties that are frequently masked by other technologies.

A large number of human diseases are linked to recurrent DNA rearrangements involving unstable genomic regions. Changes in gene dosage at rearranged loci underlie the clinical phenotypes associated with these so-called “genomic disorders”. Many genomic disorders are caused by sub-microscopic chromosomal rearrangements that require sensitive, high- resolution techniques for detailed analysis. The development of high-resolution technologies, such as those developed by GENOMIC VISION, offers the opportunity to better understand the mechanisms underlying genome instability and the role of chromosomal rearrangement in disease.

The growth of the nucleic acid testing market provides a unique opportunity for GENOMIC VISION to develop new Molecular Combing DNA-based tests, which have already proved to be effective in detection of large-scale DNA deletions, rearrangements, or mutations missed by other techniques.

FiberPrep DNA Extraction kit

This DNA Extraction Kit has been designed to be used specifically with the Molecular Combing Platform. The extraction step facilitates the delivery of highly purified DNA solutions for the combing pro...


GENOMIC VISION develops novel diagnostic and drug discovery solutions based on its world-leading nanotechnology for DNA analysis in the areas of cancer and acute diseases. These diagnostic tests and drug discovery tools operate where genome dynamics and human disease intersect. GENOMIC VISION uses a powerful technique, Molecular Combing Technology, for the direct visualization of single DNA molecules to detect quantitative and qualitative changes in the genome landscape and establish their contribution to pathology.

GENOMIC VISION initial focus is towards early cancer detection and drug therapy monitoring. The company possesses an unrivalled capability for discovering genomic biomarkers implicated in the predisposition and development of many forms of cancer and in following and analyzing DNA replication during cell division. This provides a unique approach for evaluating the efficacy of new drugs on the cell cycle.

GENOMIC VISION’s Molecular Combing Technology was co-invented by the company’s CEO, Aaron Bensimon. GENOMIC VISION holds an exclusive license for the technology from the Pasteur Institute. Molecular Combing Technology provides a detailed analysis of genomic events at the level of single DNA molecules, or even single cell level. This analysis reveals important properties that are frequently masked by other technologies.

A large number of human diseases are linked to recurrent DNA rearrangements involving unstable genomic regions. Changes in gene dosage at rearranged loci underlie the clinical phenotypes associated with these so-called “genomic disorders”. Many genomic disorders are caused by sub-microscopic chromosomal rearrangements that require sensitive, high- resolution techniques for detailed analysis. The development of high-resolution technologies, such as those developed by GENOMIC VISION, offers the opportunity to better understand the mechanisms underlying genome instability and the role of chromosomal rearrangement in disease.

The growth of the nucleic acid testing market provides a unique opportunity for GENOMIC VISION to develop new Molecular Combing DNA-based tests, which have already proved to be effective in detection of large-scale DNA deletions, rearrangements, or mutations missed by other techniques.

Contact Genomic Vision

Pasteur Biotop<BR>28 rue Dr Roux<BR>F-75724 Paris Cedex 15