Gyros Protein Technologies

Gyros Protein Technologies provides enabling peptide synthesis and bioanalytical solutions, helping scientists in research through bioprocess applications. Our peptide synthesizers and chemistries deliver uncompromising purity, flexibility and quality in less time. Sensitive, accurate and robust nanoliter-scale immunoassays for pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics, immunogenicity and quantitating bioprocess impurities and viral titer are performed on our proprietary platforms. Peptide synthesis and bioanalytical solutions: accelerate your discovery, development and manufacturing of safer biotherapeutics. Gyros Protein Technologies is a division of Mesa Laboratories.

Gyros Protein Technologies provides enabling peptide synthesis and bioanalytical solutions, helping scientists in research through bioprocess applications. Our peptide synthesizers and chemistries deliver uncompromising purity, flexibility and quality in less time. Sensitive, accurate and robust nanoliter-scale immunoassays for pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics, immunogenicity and quantitating bioprocess impurities and viral titer are performed on our proprietary platforms. Peptide synthesis and bioanalytical solutions: accelerate your discovery, development and manufacturing of safer biotherapeutics. Gyros Protein Technologies is a division of Mesa Laboratories.

Contact Gyros Protein Technologies

Dag Hammarskjölds väg 54B 751 83 Uppsala, Sweden

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