IBIS Technologies

The mission of IBIS Technologies is to develop and apply label free biosensing technologies for life science applications. Our technology is based on Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) imaging and dedicated microarrayers for screening multiplex biomolecular interactions. Besides general biomolecular interaction studies the use of high quality spotting and multiplex detection of hundreds of interactions are unique. In our biomolecular interaction lab the most advanced research with our latest products can be performed for customers as a service.


The Instrument for Biomolecular Interaction Sensing by imaging Surface Plasmon Resonance (the IBIS-iSPR) is a high resolution SPR-imager that allows for simultaneous detection of hundreds of biomolecu...


The mission of IBIS Technologies is to develop and apply label free biosensing technologies for life science applications. Our technology is based on Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) imaging and dedicated microarrayers for screening multiplex biomolecular interactions. Besides general biomolecular interaction studies the use of high quality spotting and multiplex detection of hundreds of interactions are unique. In our biomolecular interaction lab the most advanced research with our latest products can be performed for customers as a service.

Contact IBIS Technologies

IBIS Technologies B.V.<BR>Pantheon 5<BR>7521&nbsp;PR&nbsp;&nbsp;Enschede<BR>The Netherlands

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