KF Technology Srl

KF Technology develops and distributes equipment, systems and services for scientific research. Our activity is mainly oriented towards the scientific, medical and industrial sectors, but we also develop solutions for military applications, both in the lab and on the field.

MED64 (MEA System)

A low-noise multi-electrode array system for in vitro extracellular electrophysiology. The MED64 is a user-friendly multi-electrode array (MEA) system for stimulation and recording of field potentials...


KF Technology develops and distributes equipment, systems and services for scientific research. Our activity is mainly oriented towards the scientific, medical and industrial sectors, but we also develop solutions for military applications, both in the lab and on the field.

Our systems are composed by patch-clamp amplifier, multi-electrode array (MEA) system, perfusion systems, micromanipulators, cellular micro-injection systems, software and electrophysiological accessories, microsurgery tools, animal anesthesia system, images acquisition, Stereotaxic, geiger counter, fluorometer systems, antivibration and optical tables...

Please contact info@kftechnology.it with your queries.

Contact KF Technology Srl

KF Technology Srl Via Amedeo Bocchi 84 00125 Roma - Italy info@kftechnology.it

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