Products & ReviewLife Sciences

MED64 (MEA System)

A low-noise multi-electrode array system for in vitro extracellular electrophysiology. The MED64 is a user-friendly multi-electrode array (MEA) system for stimulation and recording of field potentials (extracellular signals) from different areas within a biological sample over hours, days, weeks and even months. Acute or cultured biological preparations are placed or grown directly on a grid of 64 planar microelectrodes, whic…

KF Technology Srl

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A low-noise multi-electrode array system for in vitro extracellular electrophysiology. The MED64 is a user-friendly multi-electrode array (MEA) system for stimulation and recording of field potentials (extracellular signals) from different areas within a biological sample over hours, days, weeks and even months.

Acute or cultured biological preparations are placed or grown directly on a grid of 64 planar microelectrodes, which serve a dual purpose of stimulus-delivery and signal recording.

The unique construction of the system eliminates the need for cumbersome and expensive equipment used in conventional electrophysiology, including a faraday cage, anti-vibration table, micromanipulators, and even the puller and glass microelectrodes.

MED64 (MEA System) Benefits:

  • Simultaneous recording of extracellular signals across 64 channels without pulling glass electrodes
  • Stable, low-noise, high signal-to-noise ratio recording with 1 µV r.m.s noise level
  • Effective stimulation and high-quality evoked signals
  • Long-term observation and humidified incubator
  • On-line analysis with powerful software

Product Overview
