New Shimadzu MALDImini-1 Digital Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer

New solution from Shimadzu promises fast, high-sensitivity measurements through an ultra-compact design

10 Jun 2019
Charlie Carter
Life Sciences Editor

Shimadzu Corporation has announced the release of the MALDImini™-1, the first commercially available compact MALDI digital ion trap mass spectrometer. The MALDImini-1 fits in a space the size of a piece of paper, while promising fast, high-sensitivity measurements and detailed structural and qualitative analyses over a wide mass range, even with sub-microliter sample volumes.

With its simple configuration, it is possible to install the compact MALDImini-1 in small places where mass spectrometers previously could not fit. Its unique Digital Ion Trap (DIT) technology, along with the innovative design of the laser optics, sample stage, and vacuum exhaust system, is designed to reduce the space needed for the device. The small size and corresponding lower power requirements allow it to plugged into an AC 100-120V.

Users can place the MALDImini-1 on a workbench and check MS results right next to the sample preparation area, allowing for a more convenient workflow. Sample and matrix are simply spotted on the sample plate, dried, and load into the instrument. Analysis can begin in as little as five minutes. This fast, simple setup enables users to conduct and repeat even in-depth structural analyses in a short time span.

The system’s digital ion trap uses rectangular wave RF to allow ion trapping up to 70,000 Da. This capability, when combined with a MALDI source, enables high-sensitivity MSn analysis in a broad range of applications. In addition to checking the mass of smaller biomolecules, such as peptides and glycans, and analyzing higher molecular weight species up to 70,000 Da, the MS/MS and MS3 functionality of the DIT allows researchers to carry out more detailed structural analyses, such as direct glycopeptide analysis, post translational modification analysis, and branched glycan structural analysis.

The MALDImini console with dedicated control software lets users take measurements by setting simple analysis parameters. Switching between MS, MS/MS and MS3 modes is quick and easy for seamless analysis. Data can be exported in mzML or mzXML formats.

The device easily integrates with powerful processing tools to analyze data, such as MASCOT for identifying protein digests, SimGlycan™ for processing MSn data for glycans, and eMSTAT Solution™ for statistical analysis.

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