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0.5M CSO in Anhydrous Acetonitrile

Glen ResearchAvailable: Worldwide

Effective, stable, non-aqueous oxidizer for DNA synthesis

Glen Research

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Iodine-based oxidizers have been the standard for DNA and RNA oligonucleotide synthesis since the advent of automated synthesizers and work well for most applications. However, the iodine oxidation step during DNA synthesis cycles has the potential to damage some minor bases and modifiers which can make non-aqueous oxidizers advantageous in some circumstances:

  • When the bases or linkages being produced are sensitive to the presence of water and/or iodine during synthesis
  • Syntheses that require a stable, effective, non-aqueous oxidizer, versus unstable peroxides that need to be formulated just prior to use and are difficult to use in automated synthesis
  • Synthesis of oligos containing methyl phosphonates

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