Accel-NGS® 1S Plus DNA Library Kit (24 reactions)
DNA library preparation of difficult samples for NGS on Illumina® platforms.

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Ease of use, short quick protocol. Great customer care.
Easy to use kit that has single index for paired end reads. If you have just a few samples, this kit should be enough to get great results. Used on Novaseq for high coverage. There is an additional step for trimming reads after sequencing which is straightforward. I would use this again. Customer care is great!
Review Date: 14 Nov 2019 | Swift Biosciences, Inc
Enables users to make libraries from degraded and damaged DNA, including metagenomic samples, preserved samples and ancient DNA.
Benefits include:
- Libraries from ssDNA and dsDNA in a single sample.
- High complexity libraries.
- Fast, 2 hour protocol, start-to-finish.
- Capturing DNA fragments ≥ 40 bp.
Best choice for users needing to sequence difficult to process samples which cannot be sequenced by other methods. Proven to work when all other methods fail. Expand your research by processing damaged and degraded samples.