AccQ•Tag and AccQ•Tag Ultra Amino Acid Chemistries
Amino Acid Analysis Columns
Easy to use handy derivatisation kit.
Analyis of aminoacids in biological fluids
Effective and easy to use. Improves chromatographic separation and sensitivity. It is worth the cost.
Review Date: 15 Nov 2021 | Waters
Accurate and easy to use. Neutral score for aftersales as have had no need to use - website good though.
Review Date: 18 Jul 2012 | Waters
UPLC, UHPLC, and HPLC-Based Methods for Accurate Amino Acid Composition Analysis.
Waters AccQ•Tag and Pico•Tag technologies enable your laboratory to obtain accurate amino acid composition from protein/peptide hydrolysates, physiologic fluids, feeds, foods, pharmaceutical preparations, and myriad other samples using traditional HPLC or UHPLC instrumentation. The Waters AccQ•Tag Ultra Column is designed for use on Waters ACQUITY UPLC platforms to deliver superior amino acid component resolution and in less time compared to use of more traditional HPLC or UHPLC methods.