ADAM? is a bench top fluorescent CD34 counter that can be used in hematopoietic stem cell transplant for stem cell therapy.
Very good
I am very happy and honored to write this review. Because we are the first unit in Vietnam to use the ADAMII CD34 device for the purposes of storing umbrella blood stem cells. At first, we were a little concerned when in Vietnam there was no unit using this equipment so we did not have a reference unit. However, after being provided with a set of documents and comparative studies, the linearity of the machine compared to the gold standard of the flow cytometry method, achieved very satisfying results. Besides that, after installing the machine and receiving operation instructions, I was completely conviced and extremely satisfied with the ADAMII CD34 device because of its convenience and ease of use, no gating, no maintenance, So I hope more units in Vietnam will use this device.
Review Date: 30 Aug 2024 | NanoEntek
ADAMⅡ is a bench top fluorescent CD34 counter that can be used in hematopoietic stem cell transplant for stem cell therapy.
ADAMⅡ started to release officially after receiving an approval from US FDA 510(k) on 08/09/2019.
ADAMⅡ is an image-based fluorescence cell counter, which captures and analyzes multiple images.
It has 4-channel (Bright, Yellow (PE), Red (PerCP) and Green (FITC)) light sources.
Following specimens can be analyzed: normal and mobilized peripheral blood (PB/MPB), as well as fresh hematopoietic progenitor cell-apheresis (HPC-A) collection.
ADAMⅡ measures the percentage of viable CD34 positive cells from total leukocytes and absolute number of CD34 positive cells (cells/μL).