Aerospray® Hematology Stat Slide Stainer/Cytocentrifuge Series 2
World's best stainer in performance and reliability. Automates the staining of blood smear and bone marrow samples to facilitate enhanced clarity and debris-free slides using thiazin and eosin aqueous-based staining techniques.
Great result, simple to use.
Excellent instrument for slide coloration in hematology.
Review Date: 5 Feb 2021 | ELITechGroup
Very nice stainer. Hem slides are beautiful!
Hematology routine lab
Very easy to use and good quality stain. Our staff all like it.
Review Date: 2 Feb 2021 | ELITechGroup
Great ease of use.
slide staining
We use it daily at out institution to stain bone marrows aspirate smears. Great ease of use but sometimes slides require re-staining.
Review Date: 3 Aug 2018 | ELITechGroup
Do more in less time
- Superior staining process that is easy to use and saves time
- Rapid performance cycle time, slides are dried and ready for the microscope in minutes
- Cross-Contamination is eliminated with a fresh application of stain
- Convenient automated waste level detection (optional)
- Superb cytocentrifuge, resulting in a five-to nine-fold increase ins the number of cells on a slide (optional)
- Seven peripheral blood and three bone marrow intensity settings
- Laboratory compliance is ensured with traceability features
Benefits to your lab
- Consistent, reliable, and standardized staining across multiple labs
- Easily compare slides from different labs
- High-quality control ensures no stain variability when moving from LOT to Lot
- Reduces labor costs and aids labs in lowering the cost per slide
- Low maintenance - simple and time-efficient cleaning cycles
- The perfect backup stainer that can easily supplemented to any workflow in case of machine maintenance or failure
- Bone marrow
- Body Fluids
- Cerebrospinal Fluid
- Urine
- Washes
- Blood
- Sputum
- Aspirates
- Synovial