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Agilent 1260 Infinity III Bio-Inert Analytical-Scale LC Purification System

The 1260 Infinity III Bio-Inert Analytical-Scale LC Purification System is a dedicated solution for purifying large biomolecules in biological samples, including monoclonal antibodies and proteins.

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This bio analytical preparative HPLC system comes with metal-free components in the sample flow path. The absence of iron and steel in solvent delivery lines ensure the integrity of your biomolecules, minimize unwanted surface interactions, and increase column lifetime.

The power range of this bio-inert HPLC purification system expands from low pressure, for traditional biopurification columns, up to high pressure, for sub-2-micron analytical biocolumns. The 1260 Infinity III Bio-Inert Fraction Collector offers a cooling module to prevent degradation of thermally labile biomolecules. Buffer Advisor software facilitates faster pH scouting and easy buffer/solvent preparation for ion-exchange chromatography (IEX).


  • The metal-free sample flow path at 600 bar offers reliable analysis of biological samples and means that none of your precious sample will touch the metal surfaces, minimizing unwanted surface interactions while increasing column lifetime.
  • Inert flow cells for UV and fluorescence detection as well as inert solvent and column selection valves for multimethod/multi-attribute analysis, offering instrument variety for highest adaptability.
  • High salt tolerance (2 M) and wide pH range (1 to 13, short term 14) with active seal wash and quaternary solvent blending, offering increased flexibility.
  • The 1260 Infinity III Bio-Inert Multisampler is designed for low carryover using a multiwash capability, reducing carryover to less than 9 ppm.
  • Novel bio-inert capillary and connection design as well as InfinityLab Quick Connect and Quick Turn column fittings, offering ease of use.
  • Faster pH scouting and easy buffer/solvent preparation for ion exchange chromatography (IEX) with Buffer Advisor software, simplifying bioanalysis workflows and reducing buffer preparation time.
  • The AdvanceBio column portfolio is suitable for size-exclusion chromatography (SEC), IEX, reversed-phase LC, and peptide mapping, optimizing flexibility.
  • Collection of up to 4 x 96 fractions in microtiter plates, or up to 216 fractions in glass tubes—with four different outer diameters available, increasing flexibility.
  • Integrated and automated fraction delay sensor technology, increasing purity and recovery of collected fractions.
  • Upgradable fraction capacity based on your demand, improving lab efficiency through orthogonal analytical information that is only available from isolated compounds.

Product Overview
