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Agilent 1290 Infinity III Diode Array Detector

The 1290 Infinity III Diode Array Detector (DAD) delivers multiple wavelength detection with full spectra at sampling rates up to 240 Hz for ultrafast UHPLC separations. The Max-Light cartridge cell features optofluidic waveguides, which improve light transmission to near 100% efficiency without sacrificing resolution caused by cell dispersions effects.

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With typical noise levels of ±0.6 µAU/cm, the 60 mm path length flow cell gives up to 10 times higher sensitivity than detectors with conventional flow cells.
Any compromising refractive index and thermal effects are almost entirely eliminated, resulting in significantly less baseline drift for more reliable and precise peak integration.


  • Standard Max-Light cartridge cell with 10 mm optical path length provides high sensitivity (noise: <±3 µAU) and low peak dispersion for 2.1, 3.0, and 4.6 mm id columns
  • Programmable slit from 1 to 8 nm provides optimum incident light conditions for rapid optimization of sensitivity, linearity, and spectral resolution
  • Less baseline drift for more reliable and robust peak integration
  • Full spectral detection for compound identification by spectral libraries or verification of the separation quality with peak purity analysis for ultrafast and efficient UHPLC
  • Simultaneous detection of up to eight signals for increased sensitivity and selectivity
  • Wide linear range (typically up to 2.5 AU) for reliable, simultaneous quantification of primary compounds, byproducts, and impurities
  • Upgrade option to 1290 Infinity III HDR DAD solution provides 30 times wider linear range for samples with widely different concentration level
  • Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology for flow cells and lamp provides new levels of data security and traceability
  • Next generation of electronic temperature control (ETC) provides maximum baseline stability and practical sensitivity under fluctuating ambient temperature and humidity conditions

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