Agilent 1260 Infinity III Refractive Index Detector
The 1260 Infinity III RID is an HPLC refractive index detector (RID) detector that provides excellent performance for entry-level UHPLC and HPLC differential refractometer (DRI) experiments.
Robust instrument, good service life
GPC/SEC analysis of polymers
The Agilent 1200 Series G1362A Infinity Refractive Index Detector (RID) has been a very robust RID. It has been in use in our lab for 12 years and counting. Only issues during this time have been 1) Replacing the RID lamp - on earlier models, this was a DIY task, with the only expense being the cost of a new bulb. On this model, the entire unit has to be shipped back to Agilent and a replacement is provided, so I had to explain to the boss that replacing a light bulb cost us approx $2000. 2) An electrical event (loss of one phase input, creating Undervoltage) caused the amplitude of the baseline noise to increase by a factor of about 3 (but still acceptable for running samples).
Review Date: 15 Nov 2021 | Agilent Technologies
Rapid equilibration times and stable baselines make it easy to analyze carbohydrates, triglycerides, organic acids, and pharmaceutical excipients. The 1260 Infinity III RID is the detector of choice for polymer characterization using gel permeation chromatography (GPC) and size exclusion chromatography (SEC).
- 74 Hz data rate - ensures even narrow peaks can be detected and accurately quantified
- Minimum baseline noise for excellent sensitivity and low limits of detection
- Consistent, reproducible results - unmatched thermal and electronic stability using electronic temperature control (ETC) maintains a steady optical unit temperature of up to 55 °C
- Fast start-up - thermal design means initial setup
is typically less than two hours - Optimized light levels - light intensity is adjusted automatically to compensate for lamp degradation and flow cell staining
- Save time and solvents - you can use the recycle valve to keep the system at operating conditions, avoiding warm-up time and saving solvent
- Automatic purging of the reference flow cell using programmable purge and wait times
- Easy maintenance - convenient front access for inspection and maintenance of tubing and valves
- Early maintenance feedback (EMF) for continuous tracking of instrument usage (purging lamp burn time) with customizable limits and feedback messages
- Extensive diagnostics, including error detection and display with Agilent 1200 Series Instant Pilot controller and Agilent Lab Advisor software.