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Agilent 1260 Infinity III SFC Multisampler
The 1260 Infinity III SFC Multisampler is a high-capacity autosampler for supercritical fluid chromatography, bringing LC-like injection precision and reproducibility to SFC. The wide injection range supports flexible injection volumes from 0.1 to 90 µL without changing sample loops.
The 1260 Infinity III SFC Multisampler is compatible with 2 mL vials and well plates for fast, high-throughput (up to 6,144 samples) SFC and SFC/MS applications. Innovative Feed Injection technology pressurizes the sample prior to injection into the carbon dioxide (CO2) stream for utmost injection precision and reproducibility.
- Broad injection range provides for flexible injection volumes (0.1 to 90 µL) without changing sample loops
- Innovative Feed Injection technology guarantees outstanding injection precision and LC-like reproducibility
- Capacity to handle up to 6,144 samples enables high-throughput applications
- Support of 2 mL vials and microplates gives you flexible choice and combination of sample containers
- Efficient temperature control protects thermally sensitive samples