Products & ReviewSeparations
Agilent 1290 Infinity Flexible Cube
The 1290 Infinity Flexible Cube is an auxiliary module that allows flexible online SPE applications by supporting up to two Agilent Quick Change Valve drives for online SPE valves and a built-in pump to facilitate enhanced flushing capabilities and to reduce carryover.
Great results, performance exceed expectations
Application Area:
Natural ingredients testing, cometic application, pharmaceutical applications, product development,
Fast, reliable, technical supports. Instrument is very reliable.
Review Date: 12 Dec 2023 | Agilent Technologies
- Increased flexibility with support of up to two Agilent Quick Change valves for advanced valve applications
- Works perfectly as host module for the different Online SPE kits including Quick Change Valves and reusable SPE cartridges
- Selectable flush times and variation of solvents (up to three) may be utilized