Products & ReviewSeparations
Agilent InfinityLab 2D-LC ProtA-SEC Kit
In combination with the 1290 Infinity II 2D-LC System, this InfinityLab 2D-LC Prot-A SEC Kit enables automated measurement of critical quality attributes, titer, and aggregation analysis of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) from screening experiments, bioreactor monitoring, or quality control. This kit is available with a service.
- Using the InfinityLab 2D-LC Solution, titer and aggregation analysis can be done automatically in one run
- Titer determination of antibodies (typical <2% area reproducibility)
- Quantitative aggregation analysis (typical <3% area reproducibility for monomer and HMW)
- Reduces analysis time by more than 80% (from 2 to 3 hours/sample to 15 minutes/sample)
- Achieves highly reproducible quantitative results
- Minimizes the risk of mAb modification during ProtA purification
- Avoids high costs of batch failure in the case of late analysis results
- Circumvents potential manual handling errors by using automation
- Recommended for various stages of mAb development (clone selection, process development, or manufacturing process monitoring)
- Available with a 2-day service for workflow implementation
- Available for workflows in different chromatographic data systems (OpenLab, CDS, ChemStation) and mass spectrometry software (MassHunter)