Antisera to Enzymes, Serum Proteins, & Whole Serums
Antisera to Enzymes, Serum Proteins, & Whole Serums. Polyclonal antisera from immunized hosts are lipid extracted to improve clarity, salt fractionated, dialyzed against phosphate buffered saline containing sodium azide, and freeze-dried. Antisera against whole serums are obtained by immunizing host animals with whole serum. Antisera against whole IgG molecules [i.e. Anti-IgG (H+L)] are recommended for bridging PAP to prima…

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Antisera to Enzymes, Serum Proteins, & Whole Serums.
Polyclonal antisera from immunized hosts are lipid extracted to improve clarity, salt fractionated, dialyzed against phosphate buffered saline containing sodium azide, and freeze-dried. Antisera against whole serums are obtained by immunizing host animals with whole serum. Antisera against whole IgG molecules [i.e. Anti-IgG (H+L)] are recommended for bridging PAP to primary antibodies.