ArcturusXT™ Microdissection System
Applied Biosystems® ArcturusXT™ Microdissection System Flexible & Modular Laser Capture Microdissection (LCM). This Laser Capture Microdissection (LCM) method is extraordinarily gentle and ideal for microdissection of single cells or small numbers of cells. The ArcturusXT™ and Veritas™ microdissection instruments each combine LCM and UV laser cutting for ultimate microdissection flexibility. These instruments remove the guessw…

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Can't live without this equipment.
Laser capture microdissection for scRNAseq
We use this equipment for all our laser capture microdissection needs. The software is easy to learn and there are multiple ways for cell capture using both or either the infrared laser or UV laser.
Review Date: 17 Dec 2018 | Thermo Fisher Scientific
I have not found this system easy to use, it has experienced many technical problems and the laser is very unpredictable at times. There is a long learning curve to teach new people to use the system.
Review Date: 30 Nov 2011 | Thermo Fisher Scientific
Applied Biosystems® ArcturusXT™ Microdissection System Flexible & Modular Laser Capture Microdissection (LCM).
This Laser Capture Microdissection (LCM) method is extraordinarily gentle and ideal for microdissection of single cells or small numbers of cells. The ArcturusXT™ and Veritas™ microdissection instruments each combine LCM and UV laser cutting for ultimate microdissection flexibility.
These instruments remove the guesswork from the microdissection process by allowing researchers to maintain custody of the sample throughout the experiment, ensuring that only the desired material has been collected.
Overview of the Applied Biosystems® Arcturus® Laser Capture Microdissection (LCM) Process:
Arcturus® LCM is a simple four step process to isolate pure cell populations and effectively recover biomolecules for downstream analysis. In this overview of the process, obtain everything you need for microgenomics—from tissue preparation to analysis.