Atlantis™ Columns
Most chromatographers have experienced problems retaining and separating polar compounds using conventional reversed-phase chromatography. These difficult-to-analyze compounds either pass through the column unretained or, if retained at all, co-elute at the beginning of the chromatogram. Waters AtlantisTM columns are designed for these types of challenging separations and are available in two chemistries: dC18 and HILIC sili…
Easy to use and good peak shapes.
Polar compounds
Atlantis columns are very easy to use. In our setup it is integrated in our acid LC-MS, with several other columns and gradients. When we have a polar compound we just select the Atlantis method and it gives use nice retention and peak shapes. We see more use of this column and if we have tailing peaks on our C18 column, we often use this column, which gives almost no tailing.
Review Date: 30 Oct 2020 | Waters
Live up to the sales pitch claims
Pharmaceutical analysis
Evaluated the T3 and dC18 phases for use with testing compounds which eluted very early and with broad peaks on all other columns tried. These two gave me far better retention times, efficiency and peak symmetry. With these columns, I can determine impurities and degradants I would not have been able to detect previously.
Review Date: 23 Dec 2016 | Waters
Great service.
HPLC contract pharmaceutical lab
We use these columns regularly for particular analysis. We occasionally need specific lots due to client validations, customer service is quick to reply and help us with these requirements.
Review Date: 29 Jul 2016 | Waters
Most chromatographers have experienced problems retaining and separating polar compounds using conventional reversed-phase chromatography. These difficult-to-analyze compounds either pass through the column unretained or, if retained at all, co-elute at the beginning of the chromatogram. Waters AtlantisTM columns are designed for these types of challenging separations and are available in two chemistries: dC18 and HILIC silica. AtlantisTM dC18 columns are a fully LC/MS compatible line of difunctionally bonded C18 columns that exhibit superior retention of polar compounds under reversed-phase conditions. AtlantisTM HILIC silica columns are designed for high throughput LC/MS applications where the high organic mobile phase conditions used in hydrophilic interaction chromatography (HILIC) are desired. The use of HILIC mobile phases yields improved LC/ESI-MS response, direct compatibility with SPE solvents and complementary selectivity as compared to reversed-phase HPLC.
New Atlantis™ Intelligent Speed (IS) columns are powerful tools for the LC/MS scientist who is looking for faster methods and increased sample throughput.