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AZURA® Bio Purification

KNAUER Wissenschaftliche Geräte GmbH842113122Available: Worldwide


KNAUER Wissenschaftliche Geräte GmbH

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AZURA® Systems for FPLC - The flexible protein purification platform

Complete solutions for FPLC on a minimum footprint: AZURA® Bio purification systems combine flexibility and reliability. The biocompatible/metal free AZURA® Bio purification is the perfect choice for your FPLC task. The AZURA Bio purification standard configuration can be changed or upgraded by optional components. Multiple functionalities such as column switching, buffer and sample selection as well as fraction collection enable the user to automate the purification.

The AZURA® Bio Lab purification 50 is a gradient system for more complex purification of biomolecules on a laboratory scale. It is designed and optimized for all FPLC applications like size exclusion, ion exchange and affinity chromatography. All system modules can be freely exchanged and further ones can be added optionally to find the best configuration for each purification task. The system proposal consists of a biocompatible buffer pump equipped with two pump heads to perform a gradient between two buffers. Monitor your gradient over the whole run using the conductivity monitor. Inject your sample via the injection valve and detect your substances using the integrated single wavelength UV detector. The fraction collector collects your purified fractions reliably. The system is controlled via user friendly FPLC software PurityChrom® Bio. This software offers a high flexibility in method development and provides you with complete control over your run. Pre-designed methods are included in the software and can be easily adapted by changing the column volume.

The AZURA® Bio SEC 10 system takes care of time-intensive SEC (size exclusion chromatography) methods in your laboratory. If you own a fully-equipped FPLC system, it will be free again to take over the more complex purification methods. The robust components of this compact FPLC system work very precisely and ensure excellent separation performance. System and included software are ideal for automated purification and very easy to use. The AZURA series is modular and can be flexibly configured or supplemented with further modules at a later date.

Product Overview
