B.SIGHT™ - Microbial Single Cell Isolation
Label-free and fluorescence isolation of microbiota, cultured bacteria, and yeast
Quick and Easy way to get happy single cells
Single bacterial cell sorting
The instrument is handy and super user-friendly. The machine is ready to sort after a quick quality control step and adaption of sort settings. It sorts single cells reliably. Due to the usage of cartridges cross-contamination is not an issue anymore and cells are sorted alive and happy since they are kept in their needed buffer during the entire sort process. An in-built laser enables us to differentiate between fluorescently labelled and unlabelled cells, which makes the whole cell sorting process even more precise.
Review Date: 30 May 2023 | CYTENA
The B.SIGHT is a microbial isolation platform that uses cutting-edge optical microscopy and our single-cell dispensing technology to enable isolation of the smallest microbial cells. This device revolutionizes microbiology research by allowing rapid and efficient isolation of bacteria from complex microbiome samples or transformed yeast and/or bacteria cultures used for strain development.
Key features or benefits:
- Fast high-throughput single- cell isolation and cloning of microorganism
- Isolate single bacteria/yeast in 384-well plate in under 8 minutes
- Precise deposition of single cells onto PCR plates
- Assurance of clonality
- Can be integrated into automation workflows
Relevant applications:
- Microbiome isolation and cultivation
- Single cell genomics of unculturable samples
- Synthetic biology
- Bacteria and yeast cloning for protein engineering and strain development