Products & ReviewFood and Beverage

BC Blanchers

All Cabinplant blanchers are manufactured to meet individual customer needs. Capacities range from 1 to 30 t/h. Special versions for blanching of e.g. leaf vegetables such as spinach, and for cooking of rice and pasta are also available.The different blancher types are all characterized by: Very low consumption of steam Very low consumption of water No product damage Maximum product yield and organoleptic quality…

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All Cabinplant blanchers are manufactured to meet individual customer needs. Capacities range from 1 to 30 t/h. Special versions for blanching of e.g. leaf vegetables such as spinach, and for cooking of rice and pasta are also available.
The different blancher types are all characterized by:
Very low consumption of steam
Very low consumption of water
No product damage
Maximum product yield and organoleptic quality
Long life and low maintenance costs
Hygienic design with integrated CIP (Cleaning In Place)
High flexibility as regards blanching time and blanching temperature

In general:
All Cabinplant blanchers are belt blanchers
Blanching is by water or steam
All blancher types are integrated blancher/coolers
Heating of blanching water is with either direct steam or by means of a heat exchanger
Cooling is with either water/chilled water or air, or a combination of both
Cabinplant can deliver various kinds of extra equipment, such as infeed systems, instant chilled water units for production of chilled water, and dewatering units.
BC Blanchers
BC blanchers are small economical blancher/coolers usually with a capacity of up to 9 t/h. The blanchers are supplied with product belts with a width of 1000/1500 mm. A variety of options is available for the blanchers.

Product Overview
