Products & ReviewLife Sciences

BD FACSymphony™ S6 Cell Sorter

BD BiosciencesAvailable: Worldwide

A cell sorter designed to power your scientific discoveries with 6-way sorting and up to 60 parameters.

BD Biosciences

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The BD FACSymphony™ S6 system is built on cutting edge technology to drive cutting edge science. Use up to 60 parameters to define phenotypically distinct subpopulations and then sort them up to 6-ways or into plates or slides in order to explore new areas in your research.

The BD FACSymphony™ S6 was built on the reliability and performance of the BD FACSAria Fusion cell sorter and the innovative optics of the BD FACSymphony A5 cell analyzer. It provides sorting capabilities that enable the isolation of populations previously only available for analysis through high parameter analyzers. Together, BD’s high parameter instruments allow for transfer of high parameter panels to drive deep scientific insights without the hassle of repeating the panel design process.

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