Products & ReviewSpectroscopy

Biochrom Libra Spectrophotometer Accessories

Accessories for Libra S4 and S6 80-2115-39 Venturi action funnel flow cell 80-3002-53 Serial printer and serial printer cable 80-2117-47 Test tube adapters (10, 12, 16mm) 80-3003-55 Chart recorder interface cable 80-3001-00 Spare serial cable 80-2115-18 Spare dust cover 80-2115-33 Spare Tungsten lamp Accessories for Libra S11 and S12 Cell Holders for Libra S11 and S12 80-2109-04 2 position manual cell changer 80-2109-05 Long p…

Biochrom Ltd

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Accessories for Libra S4 and S6

80-2115-39 Venturi action funnel flow cell
80-3002-53 Serial printer and serial printer cable
80-2117-47 Test tube adapters (10, 12, 16mm)
80-3003-55 Chart recorder interface cable
80-3001-00 Spare serial cable
80-2115-18 Spare dust cover
80-2115-33 Spare Tungsten lamp

Accessories for Libra S11 and S12

Cell Holders for Libra S11 and S12
80-2109-04 2 position manual cell changer
80-2109-05 Long pathlength cell holder, 10-50mm pathlength
80-2117-80 Short pathlength cell holder, 1 and 5mm pathlength
80-2109-06 Water heated cell holder, 10-40mm pathlength (circulation bath required)
80-2109-33 Test tube holder (accommodates diameters of 8-26 mm and heights of up to 180 mm)
80-2109-07 Peltier heated cell holder, for 25, 30, 37 °C (10mm pathlength) (temperature controller required)
80-2112-54 Temperature controller
80-2112-26 Cylindrical cell holder, 22mm diameter, up to 50mm pathlength
80-2109-09 Spare single cell holder

Other accessories for Libra S11 and S12
80-2109-08 Fitting kit for external sample delivery (peristaltic pump and 10mm flowcell required)
80-2108-80 Seiko DPU-414 thermal printer
80-2009-80 Printer paper for thermal printer, 5 rolls
80-2109-96 Printer stand for Seiko DPU-414 thermal printer
80-2109-03 Interface for chart recorder

Software, computer and peripherals for Libra S11 and S12
80-2112-24 Acquire Lite applications software Modules for wavelength scanning, kinetics and quantification (includes interface adapter for serial connection)
80-2109-02 Interface adapter for serial connection (includes spreadsheet interface software)
Lamps, consumables and other items for Libra S11 and S12
80-2106-16 Tungsten halogen lamp for Libra S12 only (vertical filament)
80-2022-94 Tungsten halogen lamp for Libra S11 only (horizontal filament)
80-2109-11 Deuterium lamp for Libra S12
80-2109-13 Spare dust cover for Libra S11 and S12

Accessories for Libra S21/22/32/32PC/35/35PC

Cell changers
80-2106-01 4 position cell changer, 10 - 50 mm pathlength
80-2109-70 8 position water heated cell changer, 10mm pathlength (requires circulation bath)
80-2106-04 6 position peltier heated cell changer, 10mm pathlength (requires temperature control unit)
80-2112-49 Temperature control unit
80-2108-01 Spare 8 position cell changer, 10mm pathlength

Single cell holders
80-2106-05 Cell holder, up to 10mm pathlength
80-2108-10 Cell holder for use with magnetic flea, 10mm pathlength (requires magnetic stirrer and control)
80-2106-07 Cell holder, 10-50mm pathlength
80-2107-14 Cell holder, 100mm pathlength
80-2106-08 Water heated cell holder, 10-40mm pathlength (requires circulation bath)
80-2106-10 Cylindrical cell holder, cells of 22mm diameter and up to 100 mm pathlength
80-2106-12 Electrically heated cell holder (25, 30, 37°C), 10mm pathlength
80-2106-13 Peltier heated cell holder (20 – 50°C), 10mm pathlength

80-2112-25 Sipper, complete with UV quartz flowcell and all tubing (requires single cell holder 80-2106-05 or 80-2106-13)
80-2080-74 Spare marprene pump head tubes (6) for sipper
80-2106-99 Viton pump head tubes (5) for sipper
80-2055-13 Spare PTFE flowcell tubing with connectors

80-2115-31 Acquire applications software Modules for wavelength scanning, kinetics, time drive, quantification and multi wavelength(includes serial interface cable)
80-5000-31 21 CFR part 11 compliant Acquire applications software Modules for wavelength scanning, kinetics, time drive, quantification,multi wavelength and CFR Administrator
80-2112-23 Spreadsheet interface software (requires serial interface cable)
80-2105-97 Serial interface cable

Lamps, consumables and other items
80-2106-16 Tungsten halogen lamp (Libra 32 / S32 PC/ S35 / S35 PC only)
80-2106-17 Deuterium lamp (Libra 32 / S32 PC/ S35 / S35 PC only)
80-2108-80 Seiko DPU-414 thermal printer
80-2009-80 Printer paper for thermal printer, 5 rolls
80-2112-18 Printer stand for Seiko DPU-414 thermal printer (Libra S22 / S32 / S35only)
80-2106-19 Spare dust cover
80-5000-19 IQ/OQ documentation

Product Overview
