Biochrom WPA Accessories
CO7000/CO7500/CO8000 accessories 80-3000-55 Spare lamp, CO 7000L 80-3000-56 Spare filter set, CO 7000F 80-3000-59 Spare lamp, CO 7500L 80-3000-58 Spare filter set, CO 7500F 80-3000-57 Test tube adapter set 80-3001-00 Serial lead 80-3000-94 S2000P printer, including lead S800/1200 accessories 80-2117-47 Test tube adapters (10, 12, 16mm) 80-2115-33 Spare lamp 80-3003-55 Chart recorder interface cable 80-2108-80 Seiko DPU-414 pri…

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CO7000/CO7500/CO8000 accessories
80-3000-55 Spare lamp, CO 7000L
80-3000-56 Spare filter set, CO 7000F
80-3000-59 Spare lamp, CO 7500L
80-3000-58 Spare filter set, CO 7500F
80-3000-57 Test tube adapter set
80-3001-00 Serial lead
80-3000-94 S2000P printer, including lead
S800/1200 accessories
80-2117-47 Test tube adapters (10, 12, 16mm)
80-2115-33 Spare lamp
80-3003-55 Chart recorder interface cable
80-2108-80 Seiko DPU-414 printer
80-2118-18 Serial cable for Seiko DPU-414 printer
Lightwave II/Biowave DNA/Biowave II accessories
80-3003-84 Printer accessory
80-3004-07 Spare printer paper (20 rolls)
80-3004-73 Print via computer software and cable
80-3003-96 Bluetooth accessory (not compatible with Biowave DNA)
80-3005-00 SD Card accesory