BLACK-Comet-SR Spectrometer
With research grade concave grating optics

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Excellent miniature research grade spectrometer with exceptional customer service
Laser wavelength measurement from DUV to IR
In 2009 I needed a research grade spectrometer to act as the main reference for a new project to design a Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) system. After considerable research I bought what I considered the best value performance instrument, a parallel port Stellarnet EPP2000 12-bit Super Range 200nm - 1080nm spectrometer with a 25µm slit giving 1.5nm resolution. This came with free SpectraWiz software whose capabilities increased as time passed. The spectrometer was a vital part of the project and never let me down, and I found Stellarnet's technical assistance service to be first class, with fast response and a genuine interest. In 2014, I sent it back to Stellarnet to be upgraded to USB with 16 bits and the external electrical trigger option fitted, and it came back in the form of a Black Comet SR, their flagship research grade spectrometer. Since then this excellent instrument has been my go-to for all optical project research. It's specified range of 200-1080nm in reality extends from 190nm to 1087nm, and despite a resolution of 1,5nm, it clearly displays the Hg lamp doublet at 577.6nm and 579.2nm. I have used it to measure low level DUV as well as optically capture a 6 Megawatt 4ns wide 1064nm Q-switched laser pulse. I highly recommend both of these instruments and Stellarnet expertise to anyone seeking a quality instrument that will provide long life and service:
Review Date: 22 Mar 2022 | StellarNet Inc
- Measurements in the 200-1080nm or 220-1100nm range
- Concave grating optics for high performance applications
- Super Range concave grating with dual blaze for best sensitivity
- Enhanced spectral imaging with no mirrors for lowest possible stray light
- Flat field imaging for uniform resolution
- No optical adjustments for extreme thermal stability
- TEC upgrade now available for 2016! Increases S/N by 60%
- Concave gratings white paper