Bold Line Cage Incubator H201
Bold Line Cage Incubator H201 - Large volume incubator with local CO2/O2 climate chamber Microscope Incubators maintain your specimen alive during observation by creating the proper environmental conditions around the specimen, right on the microscope. The combined action of temperature controllers, gas mixers and humidifiers will ensure that your specimen feels ... at home.The Bold Line Cage Incubator maintains all the requi…

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Good set up to have for carrying out live cell imaging
Microscope incubator
The stage top chamber magnetic lid along with perfusion holes provide easy access to the sample and material to be injected. Provide uniform temperature to the sample for long hours which is possible because of 5 different sensors. The touch panel control is very easy and convenient to operate for regulating temp, gas flow, and humidity maintenance. The system is robust and with minor care, it will last long. Overall it is the right product if one is planning to image live cells providing optimum physical parameters required for the experiment.
Review Date: 30 Sept 2022 | Okolab
Bold Line Cage Incubator H201 - Large volume incubator with local CO2/O2 climate chamber
Microscope Incubators maintain your specimen alive during observation by creating the proper environmental conditions around the specimen, right on the microscope. The combined action of temperature controllers, gas mixers and humidifiers will ensure that your specimen feels ... at home.
The Bold Line Cage Incubator maintains all the required environmental conditions for cell culture all around the microscopy workstation, thus enabling to carry out prolonged observations on biological specimens and allowing at the same time enough space for other equipment.
Sample temperature is controlled by recirculating air at controlled temperature and flow rate inside a polycarbonate enclosure surrounding the microscope.
Bold Line Cage Incubator H201 Features:
- Large Volume incubator - Air circulation
- T range: ambient - 45°C
- No need for objective heater
- Can be used on upright microscopes
- Bold Line controllers - Touch Screen Display - Smart Box