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Bond Elut Plexa

Advanced Polymer Technology for Simplified SPE   Bond Elut Plexa offers simple, easy-to-use methods with general purpose extraction mechanisms to simplify SPE. In addition, Plexa provides performance enhancements due to a unique polymeric architecture with a non-retentive, hydroxylated, amide-free surface and a non-polar PS/DVB core for retaining small molecules. Binding of proteins and lipids on the polymer surface is minimiz…

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Advanced Polymer Technology for Simplified SPE

Bond Elut Plexa offers simple, easy-to-use methods with general purpose extraction mechanisms to simplify SPE. In addition, Plexa provides performance enhancements due to a unique polymeric architecture with a non-retentive, hydroxylated, amide-free surface and a non-polar PS/DVB core for retaining small molecules. Binding of proteins and lipids on the polymer surface is minimized, resulting in cleaner samples and reduced ion suppression. Plexa is therefore ideal for high throughput assays requiring validated performance with minimal method development. The standard non-polar retention mechanism is applicable to almost any analyte type, and the performance features operate at the sample loading step, making them largely method independent.

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