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Bond Elut SCX

Bond Elut SCX is a strong cation exchanger with a very low pKa. Although the pKa is similar to Bond Elut PRS, the presence of the benzene ring in the functional group increases the potential for nonpolar interactions. This nonpolar characteristic becomes particularly important when conducting ion exchange from aqueous systems, where selectivity towards compounds exhibiting cationic and nonpolar character is seen.

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Bond Elut SCX is a strong cation exchanger with a very low pKa. Although the pKa is similar to Bond Elut PRS, the presence of the benzene ring in the functional group increases the potential for nonpolar interactions. This nonpolar characteristic becomes particularly important when conducting ion exchange from aqueous systems, where selectivity towards compounds exhibiting cationic and nonpolar character is seen.


  • Useful for compounds with cationic and nonpolar characteristics
  • Superior clean up from a single sorbent
  • Very low pKa ligand elicits strong analyte interaction

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