Products & ReviewLife Sciences

Cadence™ virus inactivation system

CytivaCADVISYS1CEAvailable: Worldwide

Single-use virus inactivation system for batch and continuous processing.


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The Cadence™ Virus Inactivation (VI) system is a fully automated system that provides the ability to perform low pH virus inactivation to an incoming elution stream continuously, with minimal operator involvement.

  • Designed for integrated unit operation
  • Fully automated for true continuous processing
  • Reduced risk of operator error
  • Ability to operate in batch or continuous mode for flexible facility fit

The system will collect the elution stream from a continuous chromatography system. However, it can easily process as standalone system or with a batch chromatography system.

The system automates sequentially: eluate collection, pH decrease, hold at low pH, pH neutralization, and the transfer to the next unit operation.

The system comprises of a control unit which attaches to one or two system specific Allegro™ single-use mixers dependent on the application. The specification of the manifolds currently supports 24 hours continuous operation.

Product Overview
