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ExpedeonAvailable: Worldwide

The fastest and easiest ELISA development system


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Immunoassays are the gold-standard method for the detection of proteins and biomarkers in discovery processes. However, ELISA development usually involves costly plate coating, antibody pair screening, long development and optimization times, and variable success rates. These limitations are now solved by CaptSure DIY ELISA.

CaptSure DIY ELISA is the latest cutting-edge ELISA kit with a built-in system for antibody labeling, enabling the rapid and easy development of in-house ELISAs using any antibody pair while eliminating the need to perform plate coating procedures.

Furthermore, the CaptSure DIY ELISA enables you to reduce the amount of capture antibody required, the ability to measure different targets on the same plate with different assay antibody pairs, and streamline your ELISA to a single-wash format if desired.

The CaptSure DIY ELISA optimized protocol results in faster ELISA development, reduced overall costs, and a greater assay flexibility to increase the research output with a reduced chance of error.

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