Products & ReviewLife Sciences

Clean Viral RNA & DNA Extraction Kit

CleanNACV-DR0096, CV-DR0384Available: Worldwide

Magnetic bead based isolation of viral DNA and viral RNA from blood, serum, plasma, saliva and other body fluids


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The Clean Viral DNA/RNA Kit is designed for the high throughput and reliable isolation of viral DNA and viral RNA from whole Blood, serum, plasma, saliva and other body fluids. CleanNA’s magnetic beads technology isolates high-quality nucleic acid that is free of proteins, nucleases, and other impurities.

The kit allows for the RNA extraction from Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19), extraction total nucleic acid from nasopharyngeal SWABS, nasopharyngeal aspirates and bronchoalveolar lavage samples (BAL) samples.

The kits protocol is fully scalable allowing for the isolation from various amounts of starting materials. Due to the use of our magnetic bead purification technology, the protocol can easily be automated on liquid handling workstations (e.g. Dynamic Devices, Beckman, Hamilton, Tecan, Caliper, Perkin Elmer, Agilent and Eppendorf).

Our Clean Viral DNA & RNA Kit combines our propriety buffer system with the convenience of our CleanNA Particles to minimize the binding of PCR inhibiting compounds, present within the samples, onto our magnetic particles.

Using our specially formulated lysis buffer, samples are lysed and the nucleic acid is bound to our magnetic particles while DNases and RNases are deactivated. Nucleic Acid is isolated from the lysates in one step by binding to the CleanNA Particles’ surfaces. The CleanNA magnetic particles are separated from the lysates by using a magnetic separation device. Following a few rapid wash steps to remove trace contaminants (e.g. proteins and cellular debris), the purified DNA and RNA is eluted from the CleanNA particles for downstream applications using a nuclease-free water or a low ionic strength buffer.

The isolated nucleic acid is directly suitable for use in most downstream applications, such as PCR, restriction digestion or other enzymatic reactions.

Models available: CV-DR0096, CV-DR0384

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