The Colilert test simultaneously detects or quantifies both total coliforms and Escherichia coli , with results in 24 hours.

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IDEXX Colilert is the best and a leader in the water testing industry
Water quality
It is an excellent product and has worldwide approvals. It is a 5 step process if you do a qualitative test and a minimum of 6 steps for quantitative testing - results in 24 hours. Good expiration dates.
Review Date: 26 Mar 2019 | IDEXX Corp.
The Colilert test simultaneously detects or quantifies both total coliforms and Escherichia coli, with results in 24 hours.
- Approved for use in the United States and approved or accepted in more than 20 countries around the world.
- Millions of tests performed worldwide every year.
- Ease of use simplifies training.
- Unit-dosed packaging eliminates media preparation.
- No repeat testing due to clogged filters or heterotrophic interference.
- Quality Control (QC) procedure can be done in 15 minutes.
- Less than 1 minute of hands-on time.
- Detects coliforms and E. coli simultaneously in 24 hours or less.
- No confirmations needed.
- No glassware cleaning or colony counting.
- Identifies E. coli specifically, eliminating unnecessary public notification due to non-target organisms.
- Suppresses up to 2 million heterotrophs per 100 mL.
- Eliminates the subjective interpretation found in traditional methods.
- Detects a single viable coliform or E. coli per sample.
- Minimises evening and weekend work.
- Up to 12-month shelf life at room temperature.
- Can be used for presence/absence (P/A) or quantification testing with Quanti-Tray and Quanti-Tray/2000.