ColorQuest XE
ColorQuest® XE is a color measurement spectrophotometer at an economical price. It can be used in production or in the laboratory for inspecting raw materials and evaluating finished product. Use it to measure opaque, transparent and translucent solids and liquids for properties such as reflected color, opacity, strength, transmitted color, APHA and haze. Solid samples are easily positioned and supported at the reflectance por…
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Color quest colorimeter is very useful for polymer industry with reliable results.
Analyse colour of the solid samples
Sample whiteness and yellowness is very accurately and precisely measured using color quest XE having spherical geometry. The analysis is quick, reliable and results are reproducible. Data acquisition and method storage is available with PC. Service support by its agent is satisfactory. Equipment is rugged and compact.
Review Date: 18 Sept 2021 | HunterLab
Easy to use and reliable, but unable to do preventative maintenance due to COVID-19.
QC for added dyes in detergent manufacturing
Easy to use, reliable results, easy to get technical support when troubleshooting problems. Unfortunately, HunterLab will not send a technician to perform preventative maintenance due to COVID-19. They will perform preventative maintenance if you ship the instrument to them, but will not provide a backup instrument during that period nor will they help with shipping.
Review Date: 20 Nov 2020 | HunterLab
Colours in Food systems
This product is a reliable unit that provides consistent results
Review Date: 16 Oct 2015 | HunterLab
It is a good product and with good service. The 21 cfr part 11 compliance could be better designed.
Review Date: 13 Mar 2014 | HunterLab
Color Measurement
ColorQuest XE is easy to use and it quantifies results for making comparisons.
Review Date: 20 Dec 2012 | HunterLab
Color Measurement
The ColorQuest is easy to use and gives quick measurements.
Review Date: 20 Dec 2012 | HunterLab
Color matching
Very easy to use and very flexible in applications. System is incredibly robust, it is has endured years of use with only minor maintenance. The colorimeter lends itself to multiple determinations, but can get confused when shifting between reflectance and transmission mode- but it does still give numbers.
Review Date: 8 May 2012 | HunterLab
ColorQuest® XE is a color measurement spectrophotometer at an economical price. It can be used in production or in the laboratory for inspecting raw materials and evaluating finished product. Use it to measure opaque, transparent and translucent solids and liquids for properties such as reflected color, opacity, strength, transmitted color, APHA and haze. Solid samples are easily positioned and supported at the reflectance port with the ergonomically designed sample clamp. The clamp pulls down a full 180º, and can be pulled out in small steps or removed entirely to accommodate thick samples. The spacious transmission compartment is open on three sides and has access from either side and from the top. It accommodates thin films, sheets, solids and transmission cells with path lengths up to 80 mm.
ColorQuest XE uses diffuse/8º geometry with automated specular component inclusion/exclusion. For transmission measurement, the sphere geometry virtually eliminates errors introduced by sample turbidity and haze. The optical system has an effective bandwidth of 10 nm and spectral data is reported every 10 nm. Tristimulus color calculations are performed from 400 nm to 700 nm.