Products & ReviewLife Sciences

COVID-19 1-Step High Throughput PCR Kit

RayBiotech Inc.PCR-COV-OS

RayBio COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) 1-Step High Throughput Real Time RT-PCR Kit. 100 tests. Suitable for qualitative in vitro detection of novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) nucleic acid in saliva or throat swab samples. Enables the user to use crude saliva or swabs directly in PCR reactions, no extraction needed. Uses CDC-approved primers. LDT ready for high complexity CLIA labs.

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Antigen Information

Target Name: N1; N2

Assay Format

Number of Targets Detected: 2

Compatible Sample Types: Saliva; Throat swab

Method of Detection: Real-Time RT-PCR

Quantitative/Semi-Quantitative: Qualitative

Product Specifications

Size: 100 Tests


The COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) Real Time RT-PCR 1-Step Nucleic Acid Detection Kit is based on the PCR method which uses a fluorescent probe and a specific primer to detect two specific regions within the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) nucleocapsid protein N gene. This molecular panel aids in the detection of viral RNA from SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of COVID-19. The kit also contains a proprietary buffer which enables the user to use crude saliva or throat swabs directly in their PCR reactions. By simply mixing the 1-Step Nucleic Acid Stabilization Buffer with the sample, the viral RNA is immediately stabilized, and interfering components of the saliva matrix are inactivated. This eliminates the need for laborious, costly RNA extraction and purification steps, drastically improving upon the traditional workflow of PCR, while removing potential sample loss and contamination.

The kit includes 2 primer-probe sets (included in the PCR Reaction Solution) corresponding to those used in the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel (cat no. 2019-nCoVEUA-01). Primer-probe sets N1 and N2 detect SARS-CoV-2 specifically, with no expected false positives from other coronaviruses or human microflora.

Kit Components

Component Ingredients Specification Quantity PCR Reaction Solution Buffer, dNTP's, Primers and Probes 1400 µL / tube 1 tube PCR Enzyme Mix Reverse transcriptase (RT) enzyme, DNA polymerase 100 μl / tube 1 tube Positive Control Plasmid DNA containing target gene (Nucleocapsid protein), 8 copies per µL 480 µL / tube 1 tube Negative Control Nuclease-free water 480 µL / tube 1 tube 1-Step Nucleic Acid Stabilization Buffer Buffer 10mL / tube 1 bottle

Product Overview
